Community Links

P.O. Box 5223 Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 | (818) 377-4590 | |

Supported by the help from real people, just like you.

Digital History Website

Take a look at the history of the San Fernando Valley.

City of Los Angeles Website

​Los Angeles Police Department

Valley Economic Alliance

Graffiti Removal

Sherman Oaks Chamber of Commerce

Visit the Sherman Oaks Chamber of Commerce Website. 

​South Valley Planning Commission

The City of Los Angeles South Valley Planning Commission must approve most new developments in the Sherman Oaks area. For information concerning pending projects, visit the website. 

Sherman Oaks Galleria

Los Angeles Street Maintenance 

Street Light Repair â€‹

Department of City Planning

Parks & Programs


​The Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations

Hillside Federation works to protect the property and the quality of life of the residents of the Santa  Monica Mountains and other hillside areas of Los Angeles and its environs, and  to encourage and promote those policies and programs which will best preserve the natural topography and wildlife of the mountains and hillsides for the benefit of all the people of Los Angeles.